How much barraging of consecutive psychotropic drugs do you have to sustain before your brain fries? Or is it like the popular term, comparable to 'finding love'? Is it just about finding 'the right medications'? Personally I think any human responsible for or behind an anciently designed, thick protective skull should establish at the very least. Is what do the flatteringly biased drug companies say about the situation? Side Effect (Harm) Roulette Sertraline/Zoloft Seroxat/Paroxetine Fluexotine/Prozac Citalopram/Celexa * Very Common (More than 1 in 10?) * Common (up to 1 in 10?) The closer figures for induced sexual dyfunction are here however B y this point if you haven't picked up sexual dysfunction, depression, insomnia, constipation, flatulence, agitation, poor concentration, anxiety or fatigue as you jump from drug to drug you are unlikely to have found any cure based in science, study or fact, and certainly not in roma...