Appeasing psychiatry syndrome
On Secretive Withdrawal Assault... a book quote " Do Antidepressants Induce Dependence? The simple answer to the politically delicate question "Do antidepressants induce dependence?" is yes. We are deliberately using the word "dependence" rather than "addiction," because colloquial overuse of the latter has attached a great deal of emotional baggage to it. " From the book Psychopharmacology for mental health professionals an integrative approach by Elliot Ingersoll and Carl Rak The authors deem it unfair (forget the victims) on the bullying cult of mental health to call it addiction. Appeasing Psychiatry Syndrome (APS). "We prefer the construct of dependence, defined as a physical tolerance produced by repeated administration of a drug and a concomitant withdrawal syndrome (Stahl, 2000). Given this definition of dependence, we can state that SSRI antidepressants can induce what seem to be tolerance and dependen...